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碘酸锂单晶体是一种工业应用较早的非线性晶体,具有非线性系数大、抗辐射损伤、透光范围宽等特点,可在激光技术中用作产生二次谐波和参量振荡的介质,可用作中低功率激光的二,三倍频和混频使用,也可用来制造在航空、化工、冶金和石油工业中有广阔使用前景的窄脉冲、宽频带超声换能器。 Lithium iodate single crystal is a kind of nonlinear crystal with early industrial application.It has large nonlinear coefficient,radiation damage resistance and wide light transmission range.It can be used as a medium for generating second harmonic and parametric oscillation in laser technology. It can be used as a second, triple frequency and mixing frequency for medium and low power lasers.It can also be used to manufacture narrow pulse and wideband ultrasonic transducers with broad application prospects in the aerospace, chemical, metallurgical and petroleum industries.

