磷酸钛氧钾在商业和军用激光里被广泛使用,包括实验室和医学系统, 射程探测器,激光雷达,光通信和工业激光系统。 KTP最常用于倍频Nd:YAG及其他掺Nd晶体的激光,特别是在中低功率密度的激光器中。到目前为止,利用KTP进行腔内与腔外倍频的掺Nd晶体的激光器,在逐步取代可见光染料激光和可调蓝宝石激光器。在许多的工业研究中,该种激光器被广泛用做绿光光源。
Potassium titanyl phosphate is widely used in commercial and military lasers, including laboratory and medical systems,range detectors,lidars, optical communications and industrial laser systems.KTP is most commonly used for frequency-doubled Nd:YAG and other Nd-doped lasers, especially in low to medium power lasers. So far, the use of KTP for intracavity and extra cavity frequency doubling of Nd-doped lasers has gradually replaced visible-light dye lasers and tunable sapphire lasers. In many industrial studies, this type of laser is widely used as a green light source.